
Moving Some Trees

Moved By Trees ii

Moved By Trees ii

A quickie road trip up to Whistler, BC early this year resulted in this image and the beginnings of a new set of abstract, nature based work - a favourite subject of mine in case you hadn't already noticed! This image, "Moved By Trees ii" was one from along the return drive that really resonated with me and demonstrates, I think, how beauty can be found in even the most humble of subjects.

So if this is image "ii", where is "i" you may ask? Well, I just decided to post this one first is all since I'm still finalizing a couple of the others. Truth be told, I loved this one so much I just wanted to post it right away. I do love me a blurry tree photograph.

Available now as a print in sizes 8"x10" on up to 40"x60".

PhotoHaus Gallery "Abstract Expressionism" Show

I'm very excited to announce that the five images of mine shown below are included in the upcoming "Abstract Expressionism" group show at PhotoHaus Gallery in Vancouver, BC!

Here's a peek:

The Night's Forest

Cerulean Drift
Nebulous Grove

An Utterance of Trees


All of these images utilize intentional blurring and camera motion, reducing the subject's tangible form to that of my perception of its energy.

My images in this exhibition are Archival Pigment Ink Prints on 100% cotton rag paper, matted and framed to 18"x24" in contemporary black wood frames.

Please come on out and join me for the opening night - there will be lots of unique and interesting imagery shown in this exhibition, from over 30 different photographers. Oh yeah, of course there'll be beer and wine!

Opening night: Friday January 25, 2013 at 7pm, PhotoHaus Gallery, 14 W.7th Ave, Vancouver, BC